About Company


image Сompany "Adamas" is working in the food industry since 1998. It cooperates with many enterprises of Ukraine and neighboring countries (adamas in Greek Αδάμας — means "diamond", adamantine). The main activity of the company is the development of technologies and equipment for the food industry.

The main equipment assortment consist of:

Along with equipment, the Company provides services and consults the enterprises, using this type of equipment. Client list of the Company «Adamas» is rather wide and includes enterprises of the wide spectrum – from small facilities, producing 300 kg/h of finished goods, to big processing complexes with capacity more 5 ton/h finished goods.

Golden medal "Sign of Quality".

The equipment of the Private Company Adamas passed examination of the International Sign of Quality Expert Council. According to expert conclusion plate-scraper heat exchange apparatus and film Freon vaporizer (ice water treatment system) were awarded with the golden medal Quality sign as modern high tech equipment.